make a monthly gift
Making a monthly pledge is an easy way of supporting families in Cambodia who rely on our assistance to be healthy and safe. Regardless of how much you can spare, a monthly giving program allows you to make a powerful and long-lasting impact! Your recurring contributions add up over time.
Join us in our collective effort to bring to Cambodians in extreme need homes, toilets and wells. Gifts of any amount make a huge difference to the work - thank you!
monthly giving
By giving $25 or more a month, you'll be part of an ongoing effort to assist families with housing, clean water and hygiene. Kindredhouse, in partnership with Heartprint in Cambodia, assists with building homes, wells and toilets.
it adds up!
$220 usd builds a well. Cambodians are faced with illness related to drinking water daily and children suffer the most. Providing a well ensures families have a greater chance at avoiding illness and disease.
$375 usd builds a toilet - enclosed within a small out building - which provides safety and privacy for all, especially women and children. There is also enough area within for bathing ensuring even greater safety and privacy for families.
Consider donating a home
$1500 usd builds a home! Your monthly give will add up! Families who receive homes are among the poorest in Cambodia, sometimes living on or under bamboo platforms with palm frond siding. There is no protection from the rain and heat.